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50 recent changes in System Web retrieved at 21:09 (AEST)

MatterTheme in System
MatterTheme "Matter" is a modern look feel theme for NatSkin with a strong focus on simplicity yet still flexibility. With a few clicks pages can be customi...
MySideBar in System
Create a personalized sidebar navigation %IF{"$'MYSIDEBAR'='off'" then=" The sidebar feature is switched off. Set the MYSIDEBAR preference...
NatSkin in System
The Natural Skin NatSkin improves your Foswiki experience by bringing together some of the most useful features from different plugins in a consistent way. NatSki...
NatSkinChangeEmailAddressViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : * Set Email = %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% ...
NatSkinChangePasswordViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% " ty...
NatSkinConfiguration in System
NatSkinConfiguration Theme configuration The different NatSkin styles are controlled using preference variables and can be set * per user (on the user's hom...
NatSkinFAQ in System
NatSkinFAQ The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost! If you need help, there are a couple of options: * Create a support request on Foswiki:Support/WebH...
NatSkinResetPasswordViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% " separator=" "}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% ** %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : ...
NatSkin Style Browser in System
Style Browser Explore the style variations of the .NatSkin by changing the base style and a variation of it. In general, style variations are used to change not o...
NatSkin TopicCreator in System
NatSkinTopicCreator Description The NatSkin TopicCreator is a unified way to create topics in your wiki. It especially is tailored towards the WikiWorkbench fram...
NatSkinTypography in System
This topic gives you a short overview of the elements styled by NatSkin as well as the CSS classes being used to do so. Links * http://demo.gantry framework.o...
NatSkinUserViewTemplate in System
%{}% 120x150^ %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %IF{ "'System.NatSkinUserViewTemplate'/FirstName or 'System.%TOPIC'/LastName" then=" " else="" }% %{}% %{}% %RE...
NatSkinWebSearchViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{ ########################################################################### inherit settings from standard view template }% %{}% %{}% %{ ##############...
NatSkinWebTopicListViewTemplate in System
%{}% NatSkinWebTopicListViewTemplate .fltMakeIndexWrapper li { word break:break all; word break:break word; webkit hyphens: auto; moz hyphens: auto;...
NatSkinWikiGroupsViewTemplate in System
%{}% "}% %{}% %{}% %HTMLTITLE{ separator=" " format="$sep$webtitle$wikitoolname" }% %{}% %{}% %IF{"$'URLPARAM{group}' = ''" then="$percntTMPL:P{\"displaygr...
NatSkinWikiUsersViewTemplate in System
%{}%'UserForm$' %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% : %{}% %{}% %SEARCH{ "" type="query" nonoise="on" separator="" format="$percntTMPL:P{\"userlist...
SiteBottomBar in System
SiteBottomBar Default SiteBottomBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteBottomBar instead. %FORMATLIST{ "%FLEXWEBLIST{ format="$name=$web" ma...
SiteHtmlHead in System
SiteHtmlHead Default SiteHtmlHead component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteHtmlHead instead.
SiteLinks in System
SiteLinks Default SiteLinks component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteLinks instead.
SiteMenu in System
SiteMenu Default SiteMenu component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteMenu instead. Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntIN...
SiteNothingFound in System
Do you want to create 'SiteNothingFound'?
SiteRightBar in System
SiteRightBar Default SiteRightBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteRightBar instead. %DBQUERY{ header="$n" footer="" format=" $expand(...
SiteSideBar in System
SiteSideBar Default SiteSideBar component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteSideBar instead.
SiteTopicActions in System
SiteTopicActions Default SiteTopicActions component. Please do not modify. Use .SiteTopicActions instead. Implementation "}% Mega Menu %USERACTIONS{ guest...
UserRegistrationViewTemplate in System
%{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% %{}% .jqGeneratePassword, .jqGeneratePassword:hover { text decoration:...
WebCreateNewWeb in System
: The name must start with an upper case letter, followed by upper or lower case letters or numbers. Specify a short name to avoid long URLs. ...
WebLinks in System
WebLinks Navigation links in the web. * * * * * * * *
WikiTopic in System
WikiTopic Default form for wiki topics Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes: Default: TopicTitle text 75 c
MetaDataPlugin in System
MetaDataPlugin This plugin allows to store data sets to Foswiki topics. Foswiki itself is a structured wiki already using .DataForms which are attached a topic. ...
MoreFormfieldsPlugin in System
MoreFormfieldsPlugin Description This plugin implements a set of additional special purpose formfields to be used in DataForm definitions. To make use of these f...
TopicInteractionPlugin in System
TopicInteractionPlugin Description This plugin redesigns the way how users interact with topics and attachments in various ways: * improved attachment handlin...
BreadCrumbsPlugin in System
BreadCrumbsPlugin Description This plugin helps you to locate where you are, and shows you how you can escape from there using breadcrumbs navigation. Two types ...
LexiconForm in System
LexiconForm Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes: String text 80 M English (en) text 80 German (de) tex...
MultiLingualPlugin in System
MultiLingualPlugin This plugin enables you to create wiki content in multiple languages. While Foswiki normally supports over 20 languages to internationalize its...
FootNotePlugin in System
Footnote Plugin Support for footnotes in foswiki topics. Syntax Rules Write (1) anywhere in a topic. This will be replaced with a link to the note at...
FlexPaperPlugin in System
FlexPaperPlugin This adds FlexPaper capabilities to Foswiki. FlexPaper is an open source light weight document viewer component designed to work together with lib...
VarFLEXPAPER in System
#VarFLEXPAPER FLEXPAPER * embed a PDF document into the webpage * Syntax: %FLEXPAPER{"attachment" ..."}% * Supported Parameters: Parameter: Des...
#VarFLEXPAPERINIT FLEXPAPERINIT * initialize the flexpaper javascript; this is useful when the actual FLEXPAPER macro is loaded later on asynchronously * S...
JQPhotoSwipeContrib in System
JQPhotoSwipeContrib Modern javascript image gallery Description JQPhotoSwipeContrib is a thin wrapper to bring PhotoSwipe to Foswiki. It adds the minimum amount ...
ImagePlugin in System
ImagePlugin Use this plugin to control the display and alignment of images using an easy syntax and support for server side resizing and thumbnailing. There are a...
TwistyPlugin in System
TwistyPlugin A "twisty" is an interface toggle control to show and hide content. TwistyPlugin gives you several options to control the appearance of a twisty: ...
VarENDTWISTY in System
ENDTWISTY complements an opening TWISTY tag to close a twisty Closes an open twisty Related
ENDTWISTYTOGGLE Twisty closure Will end the most inner unclosed Twisty Toggle section, using the proper tag Examples %ENDTWISTYTOGGLE% Related
VarTWISTY in System
TWISTY generate content block with interactive visibility controls This renders the button as well as the toggled content section contained within this and the cl...
50 topic(s) found
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1 : note text

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